Leave the repair and maintenance of your beloved car's interior and exterior to ABLE CAR.

With the motto of 'Fast, Skillful, and Reasonable,' we provide the best service.

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Car body painting

Painting process conducted by Japanese technicians using advanced facilities and tools

We offer high-quality body painting services. (Starting from Php6,000)

* We also provide rental cars during the repair process.

*Free estimates. > Here

Toyota Vios, left rear fender area: Dent + paint chipping >>> Fender repair + painting (Repair duration: 1.5 days)

Honda Mobilio, right rear fender dent >> Dent repair + painting (Repair duration: 2 days)

Toyota Innova, full painting (excluding roof) (Work duration: 3 weeks)

Car Body and glass coating.

Applying glass coating agent to your car's body helps preserve the shine and paint, protecting its overall appearance.

Php 12,000 ~

【Process】 1 to 2 days.

・Car wash using specialized shampoo

・Drying using a blower


・Car wash using specialized shampoo

・Drying using a blower

・Application of glass coating agent



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